Sunday, January 8, 2012

Green Resolutions

We've all set resolutions to go on a diet, join a gym, sleep more, drink less coffee, etc., and even "green" resolutions can get a little tired (shorter showers, recycle more, drive less).  Here's some unique and possibly more concrete resolutions you can try to incorporate into your life in 2012. Please comment & share what you'll be doing this year to go "greener," too!

  • RESOLUTION #1: Use the bulk section at grocery stores
    By buying food in bulk, you can purchase exactly how much you want & avoid excess packaging. Dinner foods in bulk sections include rices, quinoa, dried beans, lentils, and seasonings. You can also find coffee beans, oats, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, and chocolate & yogurt-covered fruits for breakfast & snacks. Jandi's & Wild By Nature in Oceanside have great bulk sections -- please comment if you've seen them elsewhere in Nassau County!

    Jandi's Natural Market
    Jandi's bulk section
    [ image from: ]

  • RESOLUTION #3: Try to eat one vegan or vegetarian meal a day
    It can definitely be hard to change eating habits, whether it's eating less of something not-so-good or eating more of something good-for-you. You can try to make a more gradual resolution to ease into better eating habits, so you can slowly get used to a new routine throughout 2012. Eating less meat & animal products is good for your body & the planet - maybe you can try eating an apple & peanut butter instead of apple & cheese for a snack this year?
    Best and Fastest Chili
    Vegan Outreach has vegetarian recipes and resources on its site, like the
    "Best & Fastest Chili" recipe pictured above.
    [ image from: ]

  • RESOLUTION #4: Buy less
    In our consumer society & disposable-goods culture, it's hard to cancel out all the messages that "more" and "new" is better (remember the "thneeds" in The Lorax?). This year, for the sake of your wallet, the clutter of your home, and the good of our overflowing landfills, try to really consider the necessity of each purchase. Do you already have something similar at home? Can you put this purchase off until you really need it? Might you be able to do what you need to without it? 
      Good luck with all of your New Year's resolutions!
      Wishing you Peace & Love in 2012